The movement towards equality still has a long way to go, especially in a world in which the poorest in the poorest countries, are preparing to be subjected, with increasing violence, to climatic and environmental damage caused by the richest people’s way of life.
Thomas Piketty (2022)
It is inevitably distorting to pick particular examples to illustrate vast problems, so my apologies to this Delhi couple who married in 1994. It is also important to stress that very many of the richest people also believe that vast inequalities help no one, and would appreciate the advantages of living in a fairer society. Wealth for very many people is thrust upon them, and accumulates, despite their beliefs. It also seems clearly the case that societies can, although too infrequently do, work to limit disparities. Everywhere we already see examples of the poor paying the cost of rich people’s
life styles.
Some writers find the roots of our crisis in Capitalism.
An excellent example is seen in India. At the turn of the century, the total wealth, expressed per head of the
Gandhi attributed many problems of humanity to greed.
was greater in the state of Uttah Pradesh, than in that of Kerela. Poverty is dire in
Uttah Pradesh,
More on one part of society being exploited by another part.
and almost eradicated in Kerala where literacy is higher than in most European countries. The difference? Kerala has consistently returned socialist governments who redistribute wealth, Uttah Pradesh has not.
The quote is from page 11 of his book A Brief History of Equality, published by Harvard University Press. A short, highly readable, version of his earlier less accessible works.
The photo was taken at a not un-typically extravagant Hindu wedding in Delhi, these continue for days and involve guest lists running to a thousand people or more.
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Saturday 4th January 2025