Parks of Đà Lạt
A bridge across the lake at the Golden Valley park near Đà Lạt
The return view for the top picture
Đà Lạt's climate makes it the centre of flower and vegetable production in southern, indeed the whole of, Vietnam. While this beneficence of nature is well exploited for financial gain, it is also harnessed to provide public spaces devoted to leisure, a use which is not yet that common in cities outside Hà Nội - which does indeed use many of its lakes to good effect. This page offers some views of Đà Lạt's riches in parks of which there are some ten in the area. A later page shows more on the flower gardens to be found in and around the city.
And two more pictures of...
...the same part of the Golden Valley Park with its bridges
Eye catching banks of Hydrangeas can be seen in many of the parks at midsummer. These plants originate from the Far East and come in many forms. The hydra (water) in the name refers to the shape of the seeds. They are also known as Hortensia, a name now rather out of fashion. Only a couple of the 70 or so species have their colour effected by the acidity of the soil.
Rocks, and these dead trees, as well as flower borders, often form part of...
...designed landscapes in Vietnam. Here they are in Golden Valley Park
A small pavilion is accessed by a bridge on Đa Thiện lake in Love Valley Park about 5 kilometres north of Đà Lạt City
Thatched shelters on stilts in Đa Thiện Lake sheltered by woods
The park with Đa Thiện Lake looking north...
...and looking south
Stepping Stones in Golden Valley Park...
...being stepped on
Stepping stones on dry land...
...and paved walks in Love Valley
Flower beds showing off the fecundity of the climate
A green Vietnam surrounded by purple flowers
Shrubs formed into baubles
A stream of flowers
Small hedging trimmed into a row of touching letter 'C's
Paths and beds in Love Valley Park...
The main display pond with its fountains, not least its dragon fountain, in Love Valley Park
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goes from the parks of Đà Lạt to the markets of Bangalore in India.
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of the Mosaic Section is headed 'Tending and Attending'.
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