Pages like this one are very dependent on lay-out.
Sadly viewing the page on some phones may
subvert the design.
This page continues walks around the Old Quarter of Hà Nội. Here the interest is in the crowded lanes and activities that are conducted along the way...
...and which everywhere impede the use of the roads and pavements.
These two photographs look down into a lane from one of the overhanging houses above
These tightly packed alleys still manage to house lines of motor-bikes
Going deeper into the lanes the light (and air) becomes less and less
Gloomier and gloomier they become, a relief from the sun, but not from the humidity; eventually the lane ends. Suddenly. And the visitor must retrace their steps, sometimes for half a kilometre or more.
On other occasions, as here, a lane bends leaving a feeling of space, in this case
a pagoda has seen an opportunity to edge into the rare space... is seen here looking back from the... leg of the lane. And once the gates open the
spirit screen
is revealed. Left, as it appeared one autumn day, then above, a couple of months later, now with a 'Guardian' to help protect the pagoda
Street Activities
Bending concrete re-enforcement rods
Gentler work, sitting on the pavement thinking about it, drill at the ready
While motorbikes are now the norm, in the country, cycles are still everywhere and need attention
This clip of film shows a little stretch of the metal workers street in central Hà Nội
More demanding, metal shears at work, while a woman waits
Making placards for a wedding
A joiner sits showing a suppleness of limb
Grinding metal, a cable endangered?
The sound of sheet metal being hammered is a familiar auditory accompaniment
in the Old Quarter of Hà Nội
The pavement's slabs can
be seen just above. Work that encroaches onto the pavement can be striking! Imagine Health and Safety's concern over white hot mental being forged on the public road
in a western country.