Hoàn Kiếm – Photographers' Backdrop
Tháp Ràu on Hoàn Kiếm Lake is Vietnam's number one background for wedding photographs
From professional shoot to casual cell phone the thirst of
photographers for photographs
is ceaseless.
Hoàn Kiếm Lake,
in central Hà Nội, offers a combination of trees, water and monuments that makes it the ideal setting - not least for wedding photography.
Commonly professional photographers work together
Here the happy couple have the Lake and Pagoda Gate as background
Under the stern eyes of the War Memorial photographers point the other way
As a background the Tháp Ràu monument is the number one choice
The Vietnamese long formal dress (Aó Dài) is understandably a first choice when women are being photographed. Here she is being framed by the Chúa Báo Ân
Top of the range Canon or small pocket phone, the monuments by the Lake are irresistible - this is the remains of the pagoda Báo Ân built 1842, but demolished by the French in 1892
...but there can be no crouching down in formal dress!
Angle of view is everything...
impossible for much of the year. Fortunately November is popular for weddings, and its no coincidence that this is a month when the sun can be bearable.
It is difficult managing the sun in the tropics. If it is not out the even grey is enervating and oppressive, but if it is out then the heat makes photography
Long dress or not, models still need to get home, and a motor cyclist grabs a chance shot
A team at work: 'support staff' with the bags of equipment on the seats, while the photographer is shooting
Morning exercises all around the Lake provide visitors with endless photo opportunities
Since the irresistible rise of the smart phone no group of people by the Lake seem to lack the means of taking photographs. But professional photographers are still common, offering to catch the moment for visitors. Notices around the Lake forbid the selling of goods or services, but many people wait discreetly to ply their trade.
Here balloons, bubble sculptures, and cards are on offer. The two women, arms akimbo, are professional photographers
Sunsets fascinate worldwide
Hoàn Kiếm fosters relaxation and people watching, its hardly surprising that the camera is such a constant companion to those who come to the Lake.
Then there are also the many shots that are not of voluntary subjects...
...and the many shots by tourists documenting their travels
...and families to be; the staple diet of the camera's hunger
This man, probably from China, was just too late to get his shot, the worker, on waking, was not amused at been treated as an object
The next page
takes you to the pagoda situated on an island at the north end of Hoàn Kiếm Lake.
Saturday 30th April 2016
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