Quốc Lộ 32 - The Planting of the Paddy
Monitors can keep the layout, which phones may need to discombobulate.
The result of all the hard work, the sight of these luxurious green fields...
...But to get to that state of super verdancy the seedlings have to be planted
The last page of this drive along Highway 32 showed the preparation of the ground making ready for the planting of the paddy. This page is devoted to that task. The seedings are brought from their nurseries to the open fields and painstakingly, or better 'backstakingly', individually planted into the mud. So the fields are converted from brown to speckled green, a green which soon takes over the landscape.
At the time of planting the fields are dotted with people; all the hands that can be assembled to get the seedlings transplanted
One woman plants, while three watch
A group discusses the planting; a man watches the camera
Ready, steady,
go, plant!
Four bent backs in line. Seedlings in the buckets; the green area extending as they move backwards
Here the seedlings are dumped in heaps
One woman needs a rest from the line work...
...and here a less regimented style of planting, but shows well how she is working -
separating out the seedlings from the previously positioned clumps
Two women and a man bend together
The man takes a rest
After all that backbreaking bending, it should be added that some farmers prefer to plant the seeds directly where they are to grow (and don't do any transplanting).
The resulting crop is only a couple of weeks slower to grow and much toil avoided
This wider shot shows green appearing in many of the now planted fields
So essential to Vietnamese culture, is this work of
converting brown mud to...
...burgeoning green, that a Vietnamese word for green uses
the green of paddy
Another wide valley along Route 32
At this resolution the green dots of the new plants
can just be seen
Two contrasting shades of green as the
growing paddy darkens
Within a month the paddy is knee high
The main work now is removing invasive weeds
The fields and terraces turned green
And so the green of the paddy and the...
...green of the bananas take over the landscape
A view from slightly earlier in the year when some fields are green,
some are being planted, and others await
The next Picture Posting page
has a variety of snapshots from along Route 32
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of the Mosaic Section is headed 'Sitting Duck'.
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