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Mobile Haystacks
Often the bicycle is used more as a trolly
Following the page on
overladen Hondas,
this page shows something of the loads carried without engines - here it is muscles not machines that are doing the transporting. This may be by riding a cycle, using the bike as a carrier for goods, pushing a trolly, or simply carrying loads on the back. To western eyes, some of the loads are indeed curious (like
those on the motorbikes)
or near impossible. The adaptive use of the bicycle is common; the wheels can be seen used for trollies in a couple of the pictures below. If the bike is to be so used then a way of holding and guiding it is valuable; an example of making poles, to do this job, is also shown below. Naturally as living standards rise more people are able to move away from depending on their muscles for such work - the extreme of such dependence is still met in the most remote communities, where large bundles are moved on human backs.
It is likely that these sacks are filled with plastic bottles and cans. Many poorer people spend their days on 'rounds', calling at the businesses they know have recyclable materials and giving small sums of cash for plastic and metal - compare the western habit of simply dumping waste
The pole being carried by the man on the bike (partially obscured by the woman with the impromptu mask) must easily be five metres long
More sacks on bikes, but these have agricultural produce in them. Mostly selected as I liked her choice of matching gatepost
Another woman with hat and bike, but a more prosperous class,
as she takes her shopping home
Again, here, the bike is being used as a trolly, but supports and a framework mean...
...that more challenging items can be transported
A friend outside his house making a pole to support his bike to help control heavier loads better
The bike with the poles attached, these allow large weights to be guided, as seen below
Sack trucks are found everywhere - as apparently
are green wellies
This man shows how such poles are used to control a bike with a heavy load of ceramics
The top box on her sack truck contains "Huggies" - more ubiquity
A much heavier load needing a puller and a pusher, but the wheels look as though they could be interchanged with those of a bicycle - the two carts below are similar
This cart is loaded with cement, but only has one
person to pull it - gender unclear
Here more cement, this time in bags and being pulled through the traffic by a bare footed woman
A much more substantial cart being pulled and pushed (although those feet could be supporting an idle body). Loaded with Kumquat trees for the
Tết festivities.
Three images from the far
north of...
Vietnam where large loads of dried corn
...and grasses are still carried on the back
But it is not only in the remoter regions of the country that large loads are carried on the back...
...These two photographs were taken inside the
Đồng Xuân
market in central Hà Nội
A less strenuous reason for pushing a vehicle
The next page
of this section has photographs of cycle rickshaws in Hà Nội.
The next page
of the Mosaic Section is headed 'Motivating Myths'.
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