Đà Lạt Waterfalls
The Datanla falls lie about six kilometers to the south of Đà Lạt City
A waterfall in the
'Love Valley Park'
The city and province of Đà Lạt is situated in the centre of southern Vietnam among the hills. Its height, some 1,500 metres (5,000 feet), up yet only 10 degrees north of the equator, ensures its delightful climate in which flowers and vegetables flourish prolifically. Not only are the temperatures equitable but so is the rainfall averaging about 40 inches (one metre) a year. The high ground and surrounding hills make the journey for the water down to the sea swift, a haste reflected in the many fast moving streams and waterfalls of the area. Other pages have already introduced
the city,
surrounding countryside,
parks within
which some of the falls are situated. These form key tourist attractions which bring thousands of visitors every year. These pictures were taken before the main rains of the summer started, so elsewhere you may see more spectacular images.
Twenty-five kilometres south of Đà Lạt City...
...lie the Lien Khuong falls - above a closer view
Back to the Datanla Cascades, the picture above is the falls that can be seen in the distance in the top picture of the page
These and the pictures below are from the Tiger Cave woods some 15 kilometres to the east of Đà Lạt City. The main falls lie within the woods. Friend Han can be seen climbing half way up to the right. Below is the bridge over the top of the falls and the sign "Forbidden: Danger" - too tempting.
Above. The Tiger Falls close up.
Below. To the left, a stream in Tiger Woods. To the right, steps near the Tiger Falls, themselves looking like a stone cascade
Below: The Prenn Falls
The Prenn Falls are about 10 kilometres south of Đà Lạt
Falls at
Love Valley
Three shots of the Elephant falls at the time before the heavy rains come. Falls of this power seem naturally to evoke the word 'force', which is the Cumbrian word for a waterfall, however, this use of 'force' seems to be primarily from the Viking word 'foss', a waterfall, as in
in Iceland
And another waterfall triptych, these are from the falls at Pongour, a bit further away, about 50 kilometres to the south west of the city. Above a close up of the picture below right
For a final shot, back to the top picture and the falls at Datanla
The next page
has pictures from rural Iceland and (at the bottom of that page) more waterfalls.
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of the Mosaic Section is headed 'The Ineffable'.
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of the Mosaic Section.
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